Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend
Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend
Italy, United States of America, 2022, 97 min
Filme / Drama / History
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Director:Bobby Moresco
Stars:Frank Grillo, Romano Reggiani, Gabriel Byrne, Matteo Leoni, Hannah van der Westhuysen, Mira Sorvino, Chiara Primavesi, Francesca Tizzano, Francesca De Martini, Fortunato Cerlino, Giulio Mezza, Giorgio Cantarini, Giovanni Scotti, Lorenzo Viganò, Patrick Brennan, Leonardo Cecchi, Luca Riemma, Andrea Bruschi, Clementino, Tommaso Basili, Gian Franco Tordi, Loris Loddi, Eliana Jones, Giovanni Antonacci, Shyann Yan, Marianna Folli, Ema Kovac, Leonardo Salerni, David Meden, Lorenzo Malaguti, Nicoletta Cefaly, Marco Quaglia, Beatrice Cevolani, Elles Case
Production:Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment, Grindstone Entertainment Group, Lambofilm, Zian Films
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